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How to start your healthcare travel assignment with Blu MedStaff

How to start your healthcare travel assignment with Blu MedStaff

a chihuahua dressed in scrubs ready to start a healthcare travel assignment with Blu Medstaff

Being a traveler with Blu Med means that we’ll be with you from start to finish of every assignment. Here is how that journey looks.

We hate to be corny and throw a quote at you right away— but— we’re going to because it’s a good’un. Helen Keller said, “the best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” This sentiment is at the core of why Blu Med got into the business of travel nursing. The medical profession isn’t just about knowledge or opportunity— it’s about bettering the human experience.

Being a traveler with us means you also believe this, and we’d love to have you as a part of our team. Here is how your journey with Blu Med begins.

Prerequisite: What do you want from travel nursing?

Decide what you want out of travel nursing before beginning your search for agencies. The traveling medical professional lifestyle is not for everyone. This is because different agencies offer different options, which can be overwhelming if you haven’t put much thought into where you want to go, for how long, what you’ll need, or how much money you want to make.

Side Note: It’s important to note that travel nursing pay packages are very different than the pay packages for permanent jobs. Additionally, these pay packages can be complex and confusing to navigate. Therefore, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of pay packages before you get started. However, our recruiters are more than happy to help clear things up if you need them.

Travel nursing assignments usually last around 13 weeks but may range from 8 to 26 weeks. You’ll be changing locations every few months, which is a great way to explore new places and facilities but can be tough on loved ones. We advise discussing the possibility of travel nursing with friends and family to get them on board with your plan and establish a support system.

Step One: Introductions

To get ahead of the game, before you apply for a job on the website, make sure you have all your licensing and vaccinations in order and that you are in good standing.  Send in a resume and contact a recruiter after looking at their profiles to find who aligns with your goals, preferences, and personality. From here, you will go through compliance, ensuring that all the paperwork you provided looks good and that you are, in fact, in good standing (but since you came prepared beforehand, it’ll be a breeze).

Step Two: Preparations

Our recruitment team will help you get ready for your new assignment, including paperwork and prepping for your move. This means looking for furnished housing, pet processes, transportation, and lifestyle specifications such as disability resources if needed.  Verify with your recruiter what is provided and what isn’t. Each assignment can be different in what they allow, but the recruiter may even have a packing list that can help you get started.

Step Three: Setting Sail

Starting a new job can be intimidating, and as a healthcare traveler, you’re expected to hit the ground running. Onboarding and training may only take a week or two. A recruiter is there to help with internal stressors, payroll questions, or culture shock. They are your HR team and life coach.

Once you get to your assignment destination, immerse yourself in your new surroundings. Get out and about with neighbors and co-workers. Plan some side trips. Try the local cuisine. Invite friends and family to visit. Learn, see, do, and experience as much as you can. Few professions allow the opportunity to do the job you love while exploring, so embrace each opportunity— but don’t put too much pressure on yourself. You’ll be great.

Step 4: Moving Camp

When the assignment is close to coming to an end, your recruiter will either help you extend or prepare for your next assignment. Take what you learned, liked, disliked, and want in the future to continue your personal and professional growth. Take time to reflect and decompress. Do you want to dive into another assignment right away, or do you want some downtime? Let us know how we can help set you up better for the next one or how we can celebrate with you on a job well done.

All About the Journey

The search for healthcare traveler jobs is extensive. There are thousands of agencies out there, and choosing one that suits you can be overwhelming, so we appreciate anyone who puts their faith in us to get them where they want to go, the right way. So, what are you waiting for? Get started on your travel nursing career with Blu Medstaff today and snag that sweet, sweet referral bonus!


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